An introduction to myself!

Merry Christmas🎅🎄!! Welcome back to my awesome blog! In this post, I want to properly introduce myself and tell you the story of how I discovered coding for the first time! At the end, I will also explain the real reason why I am writing this blog in the first place...

My name is Pablo and in a nutshell, I am a 15 year old teenager (at the time of writing this) born in England, now living in the south of Spain, with a dream of changing the world! I have come to realise that using technology is the best way to create a big impact, and if I can learn to create and control it through code, I will be able to achieve amazing things!! Now I want to tell you the whole story of how I was introduced to the tech world, and how it changed my life!

It all started when my dad, a senior software engineer, introduced me to the tech world when I was young (maybe 7 or 8) by getting me my very own Raspberry Pi 3! Using it, we built some super cool projects together such as a mars-style rover and a lunchbox-computer! Around this time, he also started to teach me a bit of Python programming, but at the time, I had no idea what it was or why it was useful and I didn't show much interest in learning it. 

As I got older and my interests changed, I decided to give coding another chance when I was 13 years old. This time, I managed to understand what I was learning, and I actually started to like it! I began to investigate more about programming by myself and that same year, I created my very first Python program, my own version of the classic hangman game!!

A few days after I published my hangman game on GitHub, something happened that not only revolutionised the tech industry, but also changed the world forever! OpenAI released ChatGPT to the public...

I found out about ChatGPT just a few days after its release and I was absolutely mind blown!! It seemed incredible to me what the AI model could accomplish, and at that moment, I realised that this was the future and that I wanted to be part of it!! My dad had already been telling me about AI and its possibilities a few months before, but at that time I had just rediscovered coding and AI seemed super complicated and advanced to me.

I was a bit overwhelmed during 2023 since so many things were happening all at once! Every tech company had started implementing AI and creating new AI tools which were coming out super fast. I really wanted to get into all the action, but I realised that there was still a LOT I first had to learn! Throughout 2023 (I was 14 years old) I decided to take a step back and properly plan out everything I would need to learn in order to thrive and survive in the rapidly changing environment of the tech industry. 

I have created an amazing road-map (which I will blog about very soon) and last week on my 15th birthday (19/12/2023) I felt ready to officially commence My Coding Adventure!!! I knew that this would be the beginning of a new chapter in my life journey, and that I would never want to forget it, that's why I have created this blog! I want to document my entire experience of learning to code because I know that one day I will look back at where I've started and be amazed of how far I've come...


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